I wonder if this thesis was originally written in English. It seems this may be an imperfect translation from another language (Dutch?). There are grammar and spelling errors as well as odd word usages and unusual phrasings. Even speaking strictly from an editorial standpoint, I don't consider this to be Master's Thesis-level work.
That aside, the reasoning is demonstrably non-objective. As someone else mentioned, it seems like the author secretly, perhaps subliminally, wants to be a JW apologist. I don't think she ever gets around to the crux of the matter: that JW's equate loyalty to the organization with loyalty to God. Even worse, they seek to define loyalty as unquestioning obedience. The two terms do not mean the same thing, and are not truly interchangeable.
This thesis would be greatly improved if it contrasted what the Society says about its not breaking up families on its website and what its followers are actually taught at the 2016 loyalty-themed conventions going on right now. There is a shocking difference, and the examples they hold up as the "right" thing to do in certain circumstances are appalling. This blatant, or should I say brazen, institutionalized hypocrisy should be exposed as widely and as often as possible.